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Workshop Description

We are all involved in team activities, formally and informally, every day. Those times that we are actively cognizant of our role and responsibilities, the role and responsibilities of other team members, and a shared understanding of the expected outcomes, the greater likelihood exists that we, as a group or team, will achieve what we have set out to do. This is particularly true when you are a member of a leadership team, working toward organizational objectives, and success seems to elude you. Who are the most effective team members; "individual contributors" or "individualists"? Can teams of highly motivated leaders achieve high performance? This Workshop will help build an understanding of what contributes to high performance team success and show participants how they can contribute the most to their own and team success.

Workshop Objectives

As a result of this program, participants will be able to:
  1. Describe the characteristics and attributes of a high-performing team
  2. Describe the different types of teams in their organization and their unique characteristics
  3. Describe how their organization's social architecture contributes to success as well as failure of teams
  4. Describe how the "qualities and values" of a leader contribute to a Team's success.
  5. Describe how the "qualities and values" of team members contribute to a Team's success.
  6. Apply a Team Performance Model™ approach that will work effectively for their management or leadership team.
  7. Demonstrate different "practices" for team building and team development
  8. Identify actions that they will need to take as an individual and a team to continuously sustain a high performance level.
  9. Identify the performance criteria needed to measure the success of the team and the organization it is leading
Workshop Design and Content

This Workshop is about learning the process and best practices for developing and sustaining a high performance leadership or management team. Participants will identify what their organization needs, what is holding them back from reaching their goals, and how to leverage their leaders and team member's strengths to create and sustain the leadership team they require for success.

All of the following topics have multiple components and activities. Participant's leadership team requirements are identified and developed throughout the Workshop, both individually and by the organization's team.


  • Objectives: Participants and Presenter
  • Mental Models for Learning
Context setting
  • Companies recognized for effective leadership teams
  • How leadership teams are measured
  • How individual team members are measured
  • Current Team Building and Team Development Best Practices
Case Study on a Leadership Teams' Performance: What is Wrong with this Picture?
  • What worked well and what didn't work?
  • What could have been done differently?
  • Can a team mitigate the risk?
Your Organization's Team Requirements
  • The link between business strategy implementation, stakeholder interests, social architecture, and reward systems
  • The importance of individual & organizational capabilities and values
  • Establishing team expectations
Team Performance Model™ Development
  • Creating and Sustaining Stages
  • Seven Stages to Team Development
  • Expected outcomes & measurement
  • Resolved and Unresolved Issues and Indicators
  • Integration with other organization systems and values
Building the Business Case
  • Identifying stakeholders key concerns
  • Building a win-win business case
Handouts and Job Aids
  • Team Performance Model Documentation
  • Team Assessment and Reports
  • Executive Talent Management Matrix
  • Team Development Activities
  • Team Building & Development Check-List

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